Tuesday, June 30, 2009


燕窩價格昂貴﹐因此必須注意保存方式﹐以防其受潮發霉或被阳光直射。一般可將燕窩裝入乾淨的密封盒﹐內附防潮保護層和吸濕劑﹐放置於阴凉乾燥處。冷藏效果較好﹐並注意防止潮氣侵入。溫度在攝氏5度左右時﹐燕窩可保存較長的時間。如少量貯存﹐可將燕窩包裹後裝入塑膠袋﹐封口﹐並放入雪櫃﹐可保不致變 質。總之﹐燕窩應置於通風﹑陰涼和乾爽之處﹐不宜放在陽光直射之处。

Bird’s nest is expensive and should be stored away carefully to avoid molding due to dampness. One can store bird’s nest in clean plastic boxes lined with desiccating materials and airtight cover in a dry place.

It is better to store it refrigerated while ensuring its dryness at temperatures around 5 °C for longer storage. For storing small quantities, seal it in a plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator to ensure its quality.

All in all, bird’s nest should be store in an airy, cool and dry place away from sunlight.


燉燕窩最好是採用不含氯成分的过滤水来炖煮,或是用蒸馏水(R.O.水) ,再不然就用礦泉水﹐而且每人燉煮份量為5至6克。要注意的是泡浸和燉煮時間的長短,須視燕窩的品質和種類而定。屋燕燉煮的時間則只需45分鐘。

吃燕窩的 正確方法在於少食多餐﹐最好每日早晚各吃一次﹐或是每週至少食用3次﹐如此才能保證腸胃充份吸收燕窩的營養精華和功效。


It is best to use chlorine-free water or distilled water (R.O. water) to stew bird’s nest, or one may use mineral water. The amount for individual consumption is 5g to 6g.

One important thing to note is the length of time in soaking and stewing bird’s nest, which are determined by the quality and type of bird’s nest used. House bird’s nest takes only 45 minutes to stew.

The proper way to consume bird’s nest is to take it a little by little over many meals, best if taken once in the morning and once before bed or at least 3 times weekly. It is only in this way that the assimilation of the nutrients contained in bird’s nest and its effects are ensured. It is best to consume bird’s nest on an empty stomach as its assimilation is at its peak.

According to traditional theories, the human body is at its most relaxed stage from 11.00 p.m. to 1.00 a.m. and this is also when it is most easily absorbed by the meridian and the human body. It also helps to remove excessive heat from the body.


燕窩從營養分析主要含有醣類(調節免疫功能基石)﹑蛋白質中的氨基酸和各種元素含量(鈉﹑鈣﹑鎂﹑磷﹑鉀﹑ 銅﹑鋅﹑鐵和碘)。據說燕窩的蛋白質是一種不完全蛋白﹐不能與牛奶或雞蛋的蛋白質相比。此外﹐燕窩還有一些微量但有醫療價值的東西還未被人發掘出來﹐所以 不能單從醣﹑蛋白質的含量去評估它的價值的高低。

Bird’s nest contains sugars (an important factor for regulating immunity), amino acids contained in proteins and various trace elements (sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, copper, zinc, iron and iodine) from nutritional analysis.

It is believed that the proteins contained in bird’s nest is a form of non-complete protein which is different from the proteins found in milk or eggs.

Furthermore, there are certain trace substances in bird’s nest which are yet to be determined but which possess medical and therapeutic values. It is therefore wrong to evaluate bird’s nest from its sugar and protein contents.


根據香港中文大學江潤祥教授和關培生先生寫了一篇<燕窩考>﹐對燕窩的歷史沿革所載甚詳。江教授在一九八七年發表了一篇研究報告﹐証實了燕窩 的蛋白質含有大量生物活性的蛋白份子﹐這些份子可能是滋補復壯之源。

江氏在 <燕窩考> 中謂﹕[今日科學研究所知﹐燕窩確實含有表皮生長因子(Epidermal Growth Factor)﹐燕窩的水提更可直接刺激細胞生長及對分裂原有增效作用(Mitogenic Stimulation Factor)。






According to an article entitled “A Study of Bird’s Nest” by Professor Jiang Run Xiang and Mr. Guan Pei Sheng from the Hong Kong Chinese University, Professor Jiang had announced a study report in 1987 proving that the protein in bird’s nest is rich in bio-active protein molecules.

These molecules are probably the revitalizing factors in bird’s nest. In his article, Jiang said, “From the scientific research of today, we know that bird’s nest contains an Epidermal Growth Factor. Bird’s nest is water soluble and can directly stimulate cell growth and improves the Mitogenic Stimulation Factor.

These Epidermal Growth Factors coincide with the nourishing effects described in Chinese medicine and it has been deduced that bird’s nest possessed the following three properties:

  • Promotes regeneration of tissues;
  • Improves immunity of the body;
  • Improves resistance of the body against X-rays and other radiation.
Another important property is the “beauty factor” which stimulates cellular fission and carries out repair on damaged skin, promoting the healing of post-surgical wounds. It affects the smoothness and ageing of human skin, activating cells in ageing skin, providing it with lustre and elasticity.


並非所有燕窩都可以食用﹐一般的燕子築巢多是用樹枝﹑雜草和泥土組成﹐所以並不能食用﹔只有 一種分佈在東南亞的金絲燕﹐它會吐出唾液結於懸崖峭壁並築成窩巢﹐再經人工採集﹑剔毛除污後才是可以食用的燕窩﹔其中白燕和黃燕是較常見的食用燕窩﹐而血 燕窩則因产量少﹑顏色特殊而被視為珍品。其實﹐燕窩會有不同顏色的原因很多﹐如金絲燕的種類﹑棲息地点及食物的不同﹑唾液受空氣氧化等﹐都是造成燕窩 不同顏色的原因。燕窩以形狀分則有盞﹑條﹑餅﹑塊﹑絲﹑碎﹑球等。以質地計有屋燕﹑洞燕﹑毛燕﹑草燕和沒有商業價值的土燕。

Not all bird’s nests are edible, it is because most swallows build their nests with twigs, straw and earth which are not edible. The only type of edible nest is made by the golden swallow which lives in South East Asia.

It spits out saliva onto cliffs to make nests and these are only made edible after harvesting and removal of feathers. Among these, the white bird’s nest and yellow bird’s nest are common while blood bird’s nests are rare, and due to its peculiar colour, it has been regarded as a precious product.

Actually, there are many reasons as to the differences in the colour of bird’s nest. In the case of the golden swallow, possible reasons for the difference in colour of the bird’s nests may be due to differences in nesting locations and the different types of food they take and oxidation of the saliva by the air.

Bird’s nests come in various shapes including whole pieces, strips, cakes, pieces, broken pieces and balls. In terms of quality, it is divided into various categories such as house bird’s nest, cave bird’s nest, feathered bird’s nest, grass bird’s nest and the earth bird’s nest which is commercially valueless.


  1. 補虛養胃﹑止胃寒性﹑嘔吐。胃陰虛引起之反胃﹑干嘔﹑腸鳴。
  2. 凡病後虛弱﹑癆傷﹑中氣虧損各症﹐配合燕窩作食﹐能滋陰調。
  3. 脾虛之多汗﹑小便頻繁﹑止汗﹑氣虛﹑ ﹑夜尿。
  4. 燕窩含多種氨基酸﹐嬰幼兒和兒童常吃能長智慧﹑增加思維﹐長大以後身體壯實﹐臉色白裡透紅永遠不長暗瘡。
  5. 孕婦在妊娠期間﹑產前產後進吃﹐則有安胎﹑補胎之效。
  6. 燕窩是天然增津液的食品﹐並含多種氨基酸﹐對食道癌﹐咽喉肝癌﹑直腸癌等有抑制和抗衡作用。
  7. 凡經電療﹑化療而引起的後遺症﹐如咽干﹑咽通﹑便秘﹑嘔等食燕窩都有明顯的改善。
  8. 老人吃了﹐肌膚嫩白細膩光滑﹐有彈性和光澤﹐臉色紅潤﹐從而減少皺紋﹐有返老返童之功。
  9. 燕窩是一種抗氧化食品﹐具有排毒功效﹐長期食用可達到延緩衰老的目的。
  10. 消除因工作或學業壓力產生的疲勞和增強記憶力。
  11. 強心﹑降壓作用。
1. Nourishes the lung and stops cough due to their weakness while reducing pathologic changes in ailments of the lungs. These include asthma, blood in the phlegm, coughing out blood, bronchitis, sweating and low flushing.
2. Nourishes the kidneys, warms up the stomach and stops vomiting. Treats upset stomach, retching and borborygmus.
3. Bird’s nest helps to regulate health for those experiencing weakness after illnesses.
4. Bird’s nest contains various types of amino acids which improves wisdom in infants and children. It also improves thinking and physique during the growing up stage, providing a rosy complexion while permanently preventing the growth of pimples.
5. Consumption of bird’s nest by pregnant women during pregnancy, the pre-natal and post-natal stages helps to stabilize and nourish the fetus.
6. Bird’s nest is a natural food for increasing saliva production and it contains various types of amino acids which possess inhibitive and resistant effects towards cancer of the esophagus, cancer of the pharynx and liver and cancer of the intestines.
7. Complications due to radiotherapy and chemotherapy such as dryness of the throat, sore throat, constipation and nausea can be significantly improved by the consumption of bird’s nest.
8. It nourishes the skin, making it soft, supple, elastic and lustrous when consumed by old folks, resulting in rosier complexion while reducing wrinkles and with rejuvenating effects.
9. Bird’s nest is an anti-oxidation food with detoxifying effects. Long term consumption slows down ageing.
10. Relieves fatigue from work or pressure from studies while improving memory.
11. Possesses cardiac improvement and pressure reduction properties.
12. Effective in the treatment of Hepatitis-B and cirrhosis.


燕窩是「大養肺陰﹐化痰止嗽﹐補而能清﹐為調理虛勞之聖藥」﹐也被譽為滋補養顏的恩物﹐除了有賴人家所認識 的成份如豐富的膠原水溶性蛋白質及黏多醣等能有滋潤皮膚的成份外﹔根據香港<選擇>月刊報導﹐燕窩亦含有一種表皮生長因子﹐可刺激細胞生長及 促進人體細胞繁殖與再生﹔而其活性蛋白水溶液又可以直接刺激免疫系統的細胞長生﹐加速新陳代謝﹐抑制胃酸﹐促進血液循環﹐增強心臟功能﹐有助增進食慾﹐對 於老人小孩病後補身最為有效﹗最近網上更有報導﹐據最新醫學研究證明﹐燕窩性質屬於一種抗氧化食品﹐具有排毒功效﹐甚至有個別案例顯示﹐燕窩之食療能夠有 治療肺癌之功效呢﹗辜物論燕窩真的是否有上述的神奇功效﹐但就中醫角度來說﹐燕窩味甘﹑性平﹑不寒不燥﹔入肺﹑胃﹑腎經﹐皆具有滋陰潤燥﹐補中益氣功用。 自古以來燕窩的療效絕對是受肯定的﹐可以說是多吃有益而無害﹗

Bird’s nest nourishes the lungs, dissolves phlegm and stops cough, providing a nourishing and clearing effect and is considered an excellent medicine for regulating and treating weakness. It has also been regarded as a beauty product.

Other than its rich collagen water-soluble proteins and mucosaccharides which moisturizes the skin, bird’s nest also contains an epidermal growth factor which stimulates growth of cells and promotes their reproduction and regeneration according to the “Choice” monthly magazine from Hong Kong.

Its active water-soluble protein also stimulates cell growth in the immune system, increasing metabolism, inhibiting gastric acids, promoting blood circulation, strengthening the heart and improving appetite which make it an excellent product for nourishing the body after recuperation from illnesses.

There are recent reports on the web that modern medical evidence has proven that bird’s nest is actually an anti-oxidant with detoxifying effects. There is also evidence proving that the consumption of bird’s nest is effective in the treatment of lung cancer!

Regardless of whether the miraculous effects above are true, Chinese medicine regards bird’s nest as possessing a sweet taste, mild in nature, neither cold nor heaty, nourishes the meridian of the lungs, stomach and kidneys while possessing nourishing effects for better circulation of oxygen in the body.

The therapeutic effects of bird’s nest has been recognized since ancient times and one would derive benefits without fear of dangers even when it is consumed in large quantities.


燕窝是雨燕科金丝燕的巢穴﹐多建在热带、亚热带海岛的悬崖绝壁上。金丝燕在春季开始做窝,它的口腔里能分泌出一 种胶质唾液,吐出后经海风吹干,就变成半透明而略带浅黄色的物质,这是燕窝的主要成分。金丝燕用这种唾液和着纤细的海藻、身上的绒羽和柔软的植物纤维等做 成巢穴,这就是我们所说的“燕窝”。

西方所謂的“Edible Bird's Nest”就是“可吃的鳥巢”的意思。
築成“可吃的鳥巢”金絲燕﹐它與普通家燕不相同﹐体积較家燕小一些﹐翅長而尖﹐短尾﹐腳細弱﹐飛翔力很強﹐不善 行走或站立﹐故它們好像蝙蝠那樣勾著來休息或睡覺﹐它們用非常發達的唾液泉﹐以分泌出來的唾液在空氣中可凝成固體。

金絲燕一年裡可築巢三次﹐產卵期接近時 ﹐體態會逐漸丰滿起來﹐唾液也較多﹐所以築成的巢穴也比較大﹐有時由于時間太緊迫﹐它們就借助一些其他建築材料﹐比如本身絨羽﹐小草﹐小樹根之類﹐再與唾 液混合一起筑巢.

燕子一年筑巢三次﹐是為了生蛋迎接小生命的到來。每個巢窩只住一次﹐待小燕子生長能飛時既棄窩而去。燕子築窩大概45日﹐7日至10日生蛋﹐用15日 左右孵蛋﹐出世的小燕子會在45至50日後才會飛走。這一段過程前後共110日至120日。采燕窩工作都會在小燕子飛走後才進行﹐金絲燕的壽命則是 15 - 20年。燕窩的出產地在東南亞一帶﹐如印尼﹑馬來西亞﹑泰國﹑緬甸﹑越南等地區﹐其中以印尼燕窩產量為最高﹐有統計資料表明印尼所產燕窩佔目前市場 份額的80% - 85%﹐當然質量之優也是愛好享用燕窩者之選。


中國人食用燕窩的歷史可追溯至唐代﹐燕窩當時已經是朝廷的「貢品」。據說女皇帝武則天可是當時享用燕窩的帝王愛好佼佼者。在十七世紀後期﹐年年都有大量的 燕窩從爪哇的巴達維亞(現稱雅加達)輸入中國。


Bird’s nest is one of the four major traditional food supplements in China and has been regarded as the top precious product among delicacies. The four major traditional food supplements include bird’s nest, ginseng, shark’s fins and abalone while the eight precious products include bird’s nest, fox lip, camel hump, monkey head, bear palm, deer tendons, dried meat & ect.

The practice of bird’s nest consumption by the Chinese can be traced to the Tang Dynasty where it was already one of the “royal tributes”. It was said that Queen Wu Ze Tian was one of the emperors in those days who loved bird’s nests. In the later part of the 17 th century, large quantities of bird’s nest were imported into China from Jakarta in Jawa each year.

Bird’s nests is a structure made from the saliva of swallows combined with other substances and what Westerners consider called “EDIBLE BIRD’S NEST” is actually bird’s nests which can be eaten.

The golden swallows which build such edible bird’s nests are different from the ordinary swallows we see. They are smaller in size with longer and sharper wings, shorter tails, thinner legs, strong flying capabilities and seldom walk or stand. They sleep or rest just like bats, by anchoring themselves onto structures. They utilize well-developed salivary glands to secrete saliva which solidifies when exposed to the air.

Golden swallows build their nests three times a year and when they are about to lay eggs, their bodies grow fat and their saliva production increases, resulting in their ability to build larger nests. In times of urgency, they would use other building materials such as their own feathers, grass and roots and mix them with their saliva to build their nests.

In fact, the reason swallows build their nests three times a year solely for the purpose of laying eggs for propagation purposes. They stay in each nest only once, waiting for their nestlings to grow up and leave the nest.

Swallows take about 45 days to build their nests, 7 -10 days to lay eggs and about 15 days to hatch them. Swallow nestling would be able to fly after 45 - 50 days. This process takes about 110 - 120 days and harvesting of bird’s nest is done after the young swallows have flown away. The lifespan of golden swallows is about 15 - 20 years.

The bird’s nest production in South East Asia is mainly concentrated in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma and Vietnam. Among these nations, Indonesia produces the most bird’s nest and statistical evidence showed that Indonesia produces approximately 80% - 85% of the total market supply. Quality is of course one of the important factors considered by those who love bird’s nest.

Whole golden bird’s nest is rich in nutrients and it brings about excellent effects for those who consume small quantities on a long term basis. They include those beauty-conscious, health-conscious, pregnant ladies, children and the aged. It has been recorded in the “Ben Cao Gang Mu” that bird’s nest produces energy upon absorption by the lungs, nourishes the kidneys and the spleen upon absorption by the stomach and it is not heaty. It has been highly regarded as the best nutritional product since ancient times.


远古时期 , 中医在中药上已经使用燕窝 . 根据华人对食品的概念 , 燕窝是属性寒冷的食品或阴性食品.
燕窝含有丰富的营养及享有 " 养颜圣品 " 的美誉 . 如今科学研究也证实了采用的燕窝里含有许多容易被人体吸收的蛋白质 ( 水溶性肽类激素能刺激多种细胞的分裂增殖及促进细胞分化 ), 维生素 , 及各种矿物质如钙和铁 .

燕窩是「大養肺陰﹐化痰止嗽﹐補而能清﹐為調理虛勞之聖藥」﹐也被譽為滋補養顏的恩物﹐除了有賴人家所認識 的成份如豐富的膠原水溶性蛋白質及黏多醣等能有滋潤皮膚的成份外﹔根據香港<選擇>月刊報導﹐燕窩亦含有一種表皮生長因子﹐可刺激細胞生長及 促進人體細胞繁殖與再生﹔而其活性蛋白水溶液又可以直接刺激免疫系統的細胞長生﹐加速新陳代謝﹐抑制胃酸﹐促進血液循環﹐增強心臟功能﹐有助增進食慾﹐對 於老人小孩病後補身最為有效﹗最近網上更有報導﹐據最新醫學研究證明﹐燕窩性質屬於一種抗氧化食品﹐具有排毒功效﹐甚至有個別案例顯示﹐燕窩之食療能夠有 治療肺癌之功效呢﹗辜物論燕窩真的是否有上述的神奇功效﹐但就中醫角度來說﹐燕窩味甘﹑性平﹑不寒不燥﹔入肺﹑胃﹑腎經﹐皆具有滋陰潤燥﹐補中益氣功用。 自古以來燕窩的療效絕對是受肯定的﹐可以說是多吃有益而無害﹗

它的成分含有 :-
** 氨基酸
** 由 amide, humin, arginine,cystine,histine 及 lysine 组成的氨基酸.

燕窝可与其它食物一起烹煮 , 如人参 ( 属性热或阳性食品 ) 提供人体高营养及治疗价值.

燕窝不但可以加强肺部功能 , 而且对贫血 , 身体过热 , 及其它疾病 , 或手术 , 也有一定的药性功效 . 燕窝也含有美容基因 , 它对受损皮肤进行快速修复 , 且能启动衰老皮肤的细胞 , 使皮肤变得娇嫩及容光焕发.

Birds' nest has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries. According to the Chinese food concept .It is classified as a cold food or “ying”.

Bird's nest contains plenty of sustenance and possesses what the Chinese call “rejuvenating effects”. Current science has help determine the ancient belief that bird's nest contains a host of different proteins which is easily absorbed by our body (water-soluble glycol-protein that promotes cell separation within the immune organism), vitamins, and beside various other minerals present are calcium and iron.

The constituents are as follow:
Protein 60.0 %
Carbohydrate 0.8 %
Moisture 9.0 %
**Amino acid 6.0 %
Traces of fat 24.2 %
** Amino acids that consist of amide, humin, arginine, cystine, histidine, and lysine.

It is possible that when taken with other foods through a cooking process, such as ginseng (as a hot food or “yang”), may have high nutritive and therapeutic value to human body.

Birds' nest is believed that it can strengthen the lungs and use in the medicinal and strengthening of body in diseases related to weak blood, body overheat, and other illness, or surgery. Bird's nest also contains elements which can stimulate cell growth and especially beneficial to elderly recovering from various body ailments. It is also making the skin delicate and growing radiantly.